A flash of harmless lightning,
A mist of rainbow dyes,
The burnished sunbeams brightening
From flower to flower he flies.
~John Banister Tabb~

Hummingbirds must rank as one of the most popular birds to watch. Their speed and agility is nothing short of amazing! With a few additions to your yard or garden, year after year, you'll find these little beauties returning to entertain you. They're one of the fastest birds you'll find, having been clocked at nearly 30 miles per hour, while zooming along, and more than 45 miles per hour when performing a courtship dive. Wow!
As cute as they are, they are not particularly social birds. Males and females do not mate for life, and once mating has occured, the female solely attends to nesting and hatching cares. It's a common sight to find, or hear, a bit of scuffling between birds, especially at the feeders.
Hummingbirds can become used to having people around, and it's not unusual for one to perch on a human's finger on ocassion.
Something that is often overlooked, is the fact that these guys do need to take frequent rest breaks, so be sure you make "resting" spots easily accessible. It might be a shrub, perch, or even a fence. And be sure to provide them with fresh water as well.
Flowers that are big nectar producers, with high sugar content, are the most desirable, and biggest attractants to hummers. Flowers of reds and oranges are favored colors, particularly if they are long and tubular in shape.
Some good choices in plants include: Bee Balm, Butterfly Bush, Cardinal Flower, Catawba Rhododendron, Columbine, Coral Bells, Delphinium, Four O' Clock, Foxglove, Fushcia, Hibiscus, Hollyhock, Honeysuckle, Lantana, Lupine, Penstemon, Petunia, Red Hot Poker, Rose Of Sharon, Trumpet Creeper, and Zinnia. Now these are by no means ALL of the ones that will work well, but some good ones to consider starting with. Not only will the hummers enjoy the addition, so will you!
Hummingbird Trivia:
The eggs of a Ruby Throated hummingbird, are the size of a pea.
A Ruby Throated hummingbird's nest is the size of a walnut shell.
The heartbeat of a Ruby Throated can range from 225 beats per minute at rest, to over 1,200 beats per minute while in flight.
Also, wingbeats may range from 70 to over 200 times per second! Can you clap your hands that fast?
Gentle day's flower -
The hummingbird competes
With the stillness of the air.
~Chogyam Trungpa~
Recipe For Hummers
1 part sugar
4 parts water
1 cup sugar
4 cups water
Bring mixture to a boil, stirring well to dissolve the sugar. Never, ever, use honey or red dye.
Let the mixture cool, then fill your feeders.
You can keep unused mixture in the refrigerator for several days.
Nectar, on the average, should be replaced weekly, and feeders need to be hung where they receive shade and protection from the sun.
Before using your feeders for the first time, and between fillings, always clean them thoroughly to help prevent growth of harmful bacteria or molds. A mild detergent may be added to the water you clean them with, but always make sure they are thoroughly rinsed afterwards.
Have you ever observed a humming-bird moving about in an aerial dance among the flowers - a living prismatic gem.... it is a creature of such fairy-like loveliness as to mock all description.
~W.H. Hudson~
Many thanks to my sister Joyce for graciously granting me permission to use the following photos that she has taken. Thank you Joyce!
Two males having a bit of a scuffle. One had knocked the other down to the deck. May we say he "decked" him?
The Hummingbird symbolizes transformation.
She guides the young children through
the Nierika, the doorway to the other world.
She brings them to all of the places
of power and knowledge.
~Myth of the Huichol Indians of Mexico.~
Photos of some of the flowers I have here around my yard, and which hummingbirds find attractive.
Pretty Pink Petunias
Salvia in a pot.
Tritoma....or Red Hot Poker. A really interesting, and unusual plant.
Trumpet Vine...guaranteed to attract Hummers.
A beautiful Hibiscus bloom from a plant my daughter gave me for Mother's Day.