Even though I can't be there with you on your special day, I wanted to help you celebrate just the same! So here we go!
   In honor of one of the most inspirational, compassionate, energetic, and beautiful inside and out, people I know....

These pages start with wishes
And end with wishes too
And in between there's many more
And may the Lord bless you!

Jean.....a very dear and special lady.

Happy Birthday my dear Jean
And many birthdays more.
Each bringing greater joy to you
Than all you've known before.

To Grandma Jean
hugs and kisses,
from Savanna

From Mickey Mom

From Lady Avis

If people's lives were measured
Not just by years they live
But by their thoughtful kindness
And all the joys they give
You'd have a million birthdays
And maybe even more
Each one a little nicer
Than any you've had before.

More gifts for you!     A special quilt!
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