Springtime brings on planting season, and I've always had a time trying to remember what I can plant with what. So I decided to put together a page that might not only be helpful to myself, but to others as well.
After doing a great lot of reading and research, I created the chart below. Now this is certainly by no means all of the plants and options, not even close, but it does have many of the most common ones. And in my research, I would occasionally run across a discrepancy in what works together, and what doesn't, so I just did the best I could.

? |

Asparagus |
Basil, Parsley, Tomato |
Basil |
Pepper, Marigold, Tomato |
Rue |
Beans |
Beets, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Corn, Cucumber, Eggplant, Herbs, Rosemary, Spinach |
Allium, Chives, Fennel, Garlic, Leek, Onion |
Bush Beans |
Beets, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Corn, Cucumber, Lettuce, Marigold, Irish Potato, Radish, Strawberry, Summer Savory |
Onions |
Pole Beans |
Carrots, Corn, Cucumber, Lettuce, English Pea, Radish |
Beets, Cabbage, Kohlrabi, Onion, Sunflower |
Beet |
Bush Bean, Cabbage, Cucumber, Lettuce, Kohlrabi, Onion |
Pole Beans, Mustard |
Cabbage Family |
Aromatic Herbs, Beets, Celery, Chamomile, Chard, Dill, Onion, Potato, Spinach |
Dill, Onion, Pole Beans, Strawberries, and Tomatoes |
Carrots |
Beans, Chives, Cucumber, English Pea, Lettuce, Onion, Radish, Rosemary, Sage, Tomato |
Dill, Parsnip, Radish |
Celery |
Bush Beans, Cabbage Family, Nasturtium, Onion Family, Spinach, Tomato |
Corn |
Beans, Cucumber, Melon, English Pea, Irish Potato, Pumpkin, Squash, Sunflowers |
Tomato |
Cucumber |
Beans, Beets, Carrot, Corn, Lettuce, Onion, English Peas, Radish, Sunflowers |
Aromatic Herbs, Irish Potato |
Eggplant |
Beans, Marigolds, Spinach |
Lettuce |
Beans, Beet, Carrot, Cucumber, Onion, Radish, Strawberry |
Melon |
Corn, Pumpkin, Nasturtium, Radish, Squash |
Onion Family |
Beets, Carrots, Celery, Cucumber, Lettuce, Pepper, Squash, Strawberry, Summer Savory, Tomato |
Beans, Cabbage, English Peas, Leek, Parsley, Parsnip |
Parsley |
Asparagus, Tomato |
Onion |
English Pea |
Beans, Carrots, Corn, Cucmber, Aromatic Herbs, Potatoes, Radish, Spinach, Turnip |
Garlic, Gladiolus, Leek, Onion, Shallot |
Irish Potato |
Beans, Cabbage Family, Corn, Horseradish, Marigolds |
Cucumber, Pumpkin, Squash, Sunflower, Tomato |
Pumpkin |
Corn, Marigold |
Irish Potato |
Radish |
Beets, Beans, Cucumber, Lettuce, Melon, English Pea, Lettuce, Nasturtium, Parsnip, Spinach, Squash |
Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Califlower, Carrot, Hyssop, Kohlrabi, Turnip |
Spinach |
Celery, Eggplant, Cauliflower, English Pea, Faba Bean, Strawberry |
Squash |
Corn, Cucumber, Marigold, Melon, Nasturtium, Onion, Pumpkin, Radish |
Irish Potato |
Tomato |
Asparagus, Carrot, Celery, Chives, Cucumber, Marigold, Nasturtium, Onion Family, Parsley |
Cabbage, Cauliflower, Corn, Dill, Fennel, Nasturtium, English Pea, Irish Potato, Black Walnut |
Turnip |
English Pea |
Irish Potato |

Happy planting everyone!
