It's springtime on the farm!
Here is a series of pictures of a duck egg hatching.
April 1st, 2005.......and that's no yolk!!!
Ooh, ooh! Is that light I see?
Hey! Can anybody out there hear me?
Oh man, this is a tight fit!
Pant, pant....push....push!!!! I think my head is stuck!
Awwww!!! Man, I gotta take a break!
Hoo boy, ok, on the count of three!
Yeehaw! I think I'm gettin there!
Oh, I'm so tired! Can I just rest my head a minute?
Oh thanks! I feel better already!
Pssst...hey...yer not gonna believe this!
A ducky belly button? Well sorta, ...that's where I was attached so I could get all the good stuff while I was developing.
Hey in there! Can you come out and play??
Well we'll be stayin here in the incubator for a while, till we get all dried out and warmed up good. Then we'll get to move into a brooding spot where we'll get some food and water, and a light to keep us warm. I can't wait till I can start swimmin! But you know, us little duckies got to be careful of water, our feathers aren't grown yet, and that soft down can get us waterlogged easy.
It takes a lot of work, and several hours to get out of an egg. We kinda have to do it on our own though, that's the way it is. Sometimes though, you can give a little bit of help, very carefully. If our egg hasn't had enough humidity during incubation, sometimes it can be very hard getting out, and sadly, sometimes we don't make it. I'm doing ok though!